The Basics of Rehab

Some people fear going to rehab because it is the fear of the unknown…

It is a setting they might have never been in and they are unsure of what to expect…

And, rightfully so. A new process and a new setting can be a scary experience – especially when it involves giving up an addiction, which most often is people’s crutch and helps with social anxiety.

However, most rehab programs have a basic process that they follow to ensure successful completion of the program.

colleagues, cooperation, fist bump

And, while it might be scary, it will ultimately be well worth the journey.

Plus, it might end up not being quite as scary as you think.

Check out what a general process looks like in the journey to rehabilitation:


  1. Assessment

    Your program will start by you being assessed – they need to know how bad your addiction is, what your current state of health is, and what your personal needs are both mentally and physically. Based on your assessment, they are able to accurately create an individualized treatment program that will fit your needs and one that you are much more likely to succeed in.

    A typical assessment might include a physical exam, mental health assessment, and drug testing.

  2. A detox process

    Depending on your substance of choice, this may or may not be necessary. Some drugs are easier for the body to come off of without a serious detoxification process than others are. However, if necessary, you might be placed under medical supervision while you come off of your substance of choice due to the strength of the withdrawal symptoms and other medical issues that could occur.

  3. Behavioral treatment and psychotherapy

    Considered to be “the meat” of the program, this phase is when you become established with your counselors and you work together to develop the plan for your future sobriety.

    During this stage, any underlying issues will also be addressed – some which might stem from underlying mental and emotional conditions from health issues or previous experiences.

    This part of the process is incredibly important because in order to overcome a problem you first need to understand where it is actually coming from. During this stage, your counselors and therapists will also work with you to help you adapt new thoughts, behaviors, and patterns in order to make the necessary positive changes in your life.

  4. Aftercare

    Once you have successfully finished the rehabilitation program, the next – and very important – step is aftercare. Recovery is a lifelong process and just because you are clean does not mean old feelings, cravings, and temptations will never arise again.

    There are several different aspects of aftercare such as sober living facilities, support groups you can attend, or other organized programs that will help you continue your sober life.



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